Comments to the offered
Ophrys heldreichii. A large flowered and
beautiful Ophrys. Frost hardy up to -6°C.
Ophrys lutea. The true
Ophrys lutea from the westmediterranean region. Easily distingished
from closely allied species by its lemon scent. Frost hardy up
to -4°C.
Ophrys reinholdii.
Large and very dark flowers on tall stems. Frost hardy up
to -6°C.
Ophrys apifera-hybrids. Very
beautiful and fairly easy to grow. Most Ophrys
apifera-hybrids are frost hardy up to -10°C.
Ophrys sphegodes-hybrids. Fairly
easy to grow. Often with a large labellum und very beautiful.
Most Ophrys sphegodes-hybrids are frost hardy up to
Ophrys insectifera-hybrids. V ery beautiful
and fairly easy to grow. Ophrys insectifera is very
often the dominant parent in flower shape. The size
of the labellum is intermediate between the parents. Ophrys
insectifera-hybrids are frost hardy up to -12°C.
Ophrys fuciflora-hybrids.
Ophrys fuciflora inherits its large flower, otherwise the
hybrids are much closer to the other parent. It seems to be genetically
recezive. Frost hardy up to -10°C.
Ophrys sphegodesXspeculum. Large
beautiful lip and fairly easy to grow. Frost hardy in the F1.
Selected plants have been back crossed to O. speculum. The
frost hardiness of the back cross is still unknown.
Ophrys insectiferaX speculum. A very
beautiful lip. Frost hardy and fairly easy to grow.
Ophrys fuciflora X heterochila.
Early flowering, in the garden from
end of April. Flowers similar to O. heterochila, but much larger.
Often clonal like O. heterochila. Not very variable.
Ophrys apifera X reinholdii.
Large dark flowers, looking like
bees. Flowers in the garden from the end of Mai to end of June.
Euromediteranean, from the Canary Isles to the the Caucasus,
up to southern Scandinavia in the north.
Flower stems 5 to 80cm high, with a rosette of leaves, sometimes
dissolved during flowering time in a few species. Ophrys has relatively
few, small to medium sized flowers. The labellum is always without
a spur. The perianth segments are spreading. All species are pollinated
by sexual deceit, imitating the bodies of female insects.
Ophrys are a bit more demanding than Anacamptis, but are still
fairly amenable in cultivation. All plants are summer dormant and
rest as tuberoids. Plants emerge in late summer or in autumn and
flower in winter, spring and early summer. Culture as sunny as possible.
Frost hardiness depends on the species. Frost hardy up to -4°C (mediteranean
species of the Ophrys fusca-group) or up to -18°C (Ophrys insectifera).
Outside garden culture is possible in Middle Europe for some species.
To avoid strong bare frosts give the plants some protection during
the coldest months. Regular watering during the growing period is
essential. Fertilize monthly with 0.2g/l until flowering. Reduce
watering with the onset of flowers and stop as the leaves die back.
Completely dry during dormancy. Occasionally a light spray of water
for small plants and seedlings to prevent dehydration. If grown
inside, move plants temporary outside in late summer as cool nights
and some rain will stimulate plants into the new growing season.
Recommended potting mixes:
80% Seramis, fine to medium grade perlite, pumice or fine expanded
clay give good results. 20% organic components. Favourable are fermented
or N-impregnated wood shavings or saw dust. (Toresa has given good
results.) 30% peatbased mixes as TKS1 have given even good results.
Spagnum moss is not suitable. Substrates have to be well draining
with a pH of about 6 to 7.
Further reading:
Orchids of Britain & Europe. Pierre Delforge, 1995.
Collins Photo Guide. ISBN 0 00 2200244.
Orchideen im Garten: Verwendung, Pflege und Vermehrung. Gerd
Kohls und Ulrich Kähler, 1993. Parey ISBN 3 489 63624 4.
Orchideen für den Garten: Europäische und tropische
Erdorchideen. Alfons Bürger, 1992. Ulmer ISBN 3 8001 6487 6.
Hardy orchids. Phillip Cribb and Christopher Bailes, 1989.
Timber Pr. ISBN 0 88192 147 5.
Die Orchideen Mitteleuropas und der Alpen. Presser Helmut,
1995. ecomed, ISBN 3 609 65600 X.